As transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) becomes an increasingly common treatment for depression, healthcare professionals have found a positive link between TMS and borderline personality disorder (BPD) for effectively treating people
Does Frequency of TMS Sessions Matter?
“Does frequency of TMS sessions matter?” According to researchers, nonadherence to the standard five-sessions-per-week schedule has no meaningful impact on patients’ final depression outcomes. In this article, we’ll look closely
Vascular Depression Treatment with TMS
Depression, like many other medical illnesses, can look different depending on who is affected and how. The term Vascular depression has been used to describe late-life depressive episodes in patients
TMS for PTSD: How Effective Is TMS For People Living With PTSD?
If you or a loved one suffers from PTSD and depression, you may have wondered whether it is possible to use TMS for PTSD in addition to depression. You may
How COVID Affects TMS
If you have been wanting to try TMS but are worried about increasing your exposure to coronavirus, you may have wondered how COVID affects TMS. Great news: here at Mid
The History of the Clinical TMS Society: TMS NYC and Beyond
Dr. Bryan Bruno, founder of Mid City TMS, is not only active in the TMS NYC community, but he is also a founding member of the international organization Clinical TMS
What Part of the Brain Does TMS Stimulate?
Transcranial magnetic stimulation works by sending magnetic pulses to specific areas of the brain. But you may wonder specifically what part of the brain does TMS stimulate. TMS used to
Can TMS Make Anxiety Worse? Everything You Need to Know
Treatment for mental health disorders including depression can often come with acute side effects. If you’ve thought about transcranial magnetic stimulation, you’ve likely wondered, “Can TMS make anxiety worse?” While
Finding NY TMS for Bipolar Depression
In the ongoing effort to promote understanding and effective treatment for mental health disorders, bipolar depression remains both misunderstood and deprived of a widely applied, effective treatment method. Bipolar Disorder
Theta Burst TMS: Our New Option
As one of the preeminent treatment providers for New York TMS, Mid City TMS has always been at the forefront of medical breakthroughs. We are excited to announce our new